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Pregnant Belly

Are you one of the 70% of pregnant women experiencing back pain?

It DOES NOT have to be like this.

Research shows that up to 85% of pregnant women experience pain relief with chiropractic care. [1]

Chiropractic is a gentle and safe approach for both the mother and the baby, making it an excellent option for expectant mothers seeking a more comfortable pregnancy.

Our 8-week long dedicated program is specifically designed to provide gentle, personalised chiropractic care during this incredible special and important phase of your life.

Why Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

The ligaments supporting the uterus are directly connected to the pelvis, influencing the position of the uterus and the baby’s development. When the pelvis is well-aligned, it provides an optimal environment for the baby to grow and engage properly for birth.

Chiropractic adjustments can help:

  • Reduce back and pelvic pain

  • Improve mobility and posture

  • Support proper baby positioning

  • Optimise muscle function for labor and delivery

By ensuring proper alignment, chiropractic care can also contribute to a smoother, more efficient labor process.

Every adjustment is performed with the utmost care and consideration for both mother and baby. The Webster Technique, in particular, is a widely recognized method for pregnancy chiropractic care. It is performed on a drop table, without excessive pressure or rotation, focusing on improving pelvic and sacral alignment.

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Gentle Chiropractic Adjustments
Customised Exercise Program
Video Support
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Utilising Webster Technique and Sacro-Occipital Technique, we ensure safe, comfortable adjustments tailored to your changing body. Chiropractic pregnancy pillows and drop tables allow for a gentle approach without unnecessary pressure or rotation.

Designed to both reduce tension and build strength to help support your body as it adapts to the pregnancy. Improving your posture, your mobility and your overall comfort. 

In addition to your personlised chiropractic adjustments, you will have two live video calls to answer extra questions and provide guidance throughout the program.

Cost: €800-

Each chiropractic appointment will be invoiced separately so that you can claim reimbursement with you Dutch health Insurance. 

  • In total there will be 10 chiropractic appointments. The initial consultation and 9 follow up appointments. 

    The initial consultation involves a complete neurological and orthopaedic analysis. This appointment will take approximately 45 minutes. 

  • Yes! We use a combination of Webster technique and S.O.T. Both of which are classified at low force techniques. If you have further questions or requests these can be answered in your initial consultation.

  • All exercises are designed to be performed with body weight and the exercise band than you receive on your initial consultation. You can perform some of the exercises with a light weight to add extra resistance also.

  • Every four weeks there will be a video call where we will go over things that are typically not covered during the chiropractic appointments. For example, diet and nutrition recommendations, exercise modifications if needed, different choices for you during your labour, and any other concerns you may have.

  1. Outcomes of pregnant patients with low back pain undergoing chiropractic treatment: a prospective cohort study with short term, medium term and 1 year follow-up. National Library of Medicine

I recently gave birth to my first baby boy Johnny.
During my pregnancy I increased my checks at The Chiropractor. In our healthcare system most of the care you receive is focused on making sure your baby is doing and growing well. I also wanted to support my own body during this time of quick changes and high demands, to take care of myself and the little baby. Due to these checks with The Chiropractor I was able to remain strong and relatively active during and after my pregnancy, something that I was really important to me.
The team at The Chiropractor also helped me with questions and was there to listen and love along the way. Thank you! 🩷

Doortje K.

I was advised to see a chiropractor in my third trimester by my midwife due to lower back and pelvic pain that I had been experiencing. While the pain wasn't severe, it did end up impacting the way I moved (and how much I moved) throughout the day.
After visiting The Chiropractor not only was the pain I had relieved, but I also gained a better understanding of my body as well as practical advice to support my progress.

Adriane S.

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