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Growing up on a farm in the middle of nowhere in Australia, I developed a deep respect for and connection with nature, I will be forever thankful for this as this connection continues to shape my approach to health and well-being today.


I graduated in 2004 with a Masters of Chiropractic from Macquarie University, Sydney. Whilst this education gave me the fancy certificates that I needed, it also equipped me with something much more important, a genuine appreciation of the healing power that the human body possesses.


I am lucky enough to have a wife that is a chiropractor and shares the same health philosophy as I do. In 2019 this philosophy was tested when our daughter was born with a significant birth defect. After spending her first 3 months in hospital, we witnessed both the miracles and limitations of medicine with her condition. They gave her life-saving surgery, but knowing how to help her body heal and flourish after this event has reinforced to us the chiropractic philosophy, that our bodies heal from the inside, out. We are now blessed with two beautiful, healthy daughters.


It is this inherent healing power that motivates me as a chiropractor, and I want to share this empowering knowledge with as many people as I can. If people can better understand their own body and appreciate how truly special it is, this will help guide and serve them in many aspects of their life. With this in mind, it is my goal to help grow a community that is filled with energetic, less stressed and joyful individuals that wholeheartedly engage in activities that they love. Through chiropractic, which optimises the communication between the brain and the body, growing this community with vibrant and balanced lifestyles can and should be the norm.


I warmly welcome newcomers to the Noord practice, so we can grow this community.


Stichting National Register van Chiropractoren (SNRC)

Dutch Chiropractic Federation (DCF)

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